We are a group of authors inspired to write, whether it be novels, or non-fiction, or articles, or journals, or something else entirely. We are all 1) writers who 2) have lots of responsibilities (parents or not) and 3) share Christian values (Mormon or otherwise). We take turns posting here, shouldering the work so we can build the best community possible. Join us as we post about our current WIP's and vent about the daily happenings of raising children and writing together.
Contact at mormonmommywriters at gmail dot com
I have been devouring books since kindergarten; it was the only way to survive the scorching Arizona summers. I also grew up putting myself to sleep by spinning tales where I, of course, always starred as the pretty and spunky heroine. Now I've grown up, and many of those fairy tales have come true. I found my knight in shining armor, and we have five quirky kids who lend adventure to our lives. When I'm not in the middle of a true-life drama/comedy/fantasy, I can be found serving in the church beside my husband, fighting an endless battle for a clean home, shooting amateur photos with my treasured camera, or curled up with a good story, surrounded by piles of books.
Monday - Kasey Tross
Wednesday - Jeanna Mason Stay
Wednesday - Kathy Lipscomb
I've been writing since 7th grade when I won runner-up in a poem
contest. Thirty years later, I wrote a high school character education
program that was embraced county wide for twelve years. I also wrote a
novel that went nowhere. You just never know. My husband, three grown
children, and 90+ year-old parents provide me with lots of blog fodder.
I bake brownies often to keep them happy. I recently published an ebook outlining a fun, holiday project that changed forever the way our family does Christmas. If you want your kids to enjoy giving more than receiving, check out my ebook, "The 12 Days of Christmas Adventure" found here: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/558530. It's also available at Barnes and Noble.
Pinterest - Facebook - Read all MMW posts by Mare
Saturday - Leanne Williams
Jewel Leann Williams (Leann to her friends, Jewel to bankers, doctors,
and telemarketers) is an Arizona native who still lives in Arizona. That
makes her practically an endangered species. She is mom to six awesome
kids and wifey to Aaron, a middle-school science teacher and all-around
amazing guy. She is a former 9-1-1 operator and police dispatcher who
gave up the craziness of saving the world, one phone call at a time, to
changing the world one book at a time. Leann writes middle-grade
fantasy, paranormal urban, space adventure, horror (a la Dean Koontz,
not Stephen King), poetry, and anything else that strikes her fancy. She
is developing a website which is still deciding what it wants to be
when it grows up but for now is a little bit of everything, check it out here.
Saturday - Lacey Gunter
I am a mom of three energetic children and proud military wife. I am also a part time statistics instructor. When I am not working on my more geeky side, I like cooking, watching movies, gardening and DIY projects. I write picture books and make cut paper illustrations. You can check out my illustrations at Paper and Lace
Contact at mormonmommywriters at gmail dot com
Administrator - Nikki Wilson
I write whatever strikes my fancy, YA fantasy, picture books, romance, non-fiction, blog posts and anything else that requires pen and paper. I work at an elementary school as a reading tutor teaching children to love reading as much as I do. I'm married to a wonderful man and my four greatest accomplishments expect me to cook them dinner and tuck them in at night.
Sunday - Becky Porter

Monday - Kasey Tross
As soon as I could read I became enamored of books and knew that someday I wanted to write one. I’ve been working toward that goal ever since, and recently wrote “The End” on my YA novel...and then realized I had to completely rewrite it. Such is my life. I am a mother to 4 goofy and wonderful kids, and wife to 1 goofy and wonderful husband. When I’m not writing and mothering (and sometimes while I’m writing and mothering) I enjoy reading, playing the flute, being outdoors, and spending way too much time on Facebook.
Read all MMW posts by Kasey
Read all MMW posts by Kasey
Tuesday - Tiffany Williams
My life changes so frequently I will
have to update my bio at least yearly. Anything and everything highly unlikely to
happen to someone happens to me. This keeps me on my toes, has given me an
interesting since of humor and a deal with it attitude about life. Currently I
live in the DFW area in Texas, yes I own cowboy boots, hat and gun. Because
crazy and I have a love hate relationship I homeschool my three children, and
do day care for twin babies. The latter part of that insane sentence is because
my husband is in law school and I need to bring in some bacon. We plan to join
the Army JAG when he is done—in December. See why my bio will change? What won’t
change is the fact that books clutter my house. I love to read, my husband
loves to read and so do our children. An awesome friend convinced me I was a
writer when I wrote 80k words in 30 days. Writing the crazy stuff in my head is
the easy part, editing is killing me.
Tuesday - Celeste Cox
I like to think of myself as a superhero by day and a writer
by night—because that’s when my superhero mom duties go on call, when I get to write my YA fiction novel, write for my blog
Happy Messy Life, and deal with my two biggest disappointments in life: that I
didn’t get a letter to Hogwarts, and that I’m not a mermaid. Now this is the
part where I get a little braggy: I have an associates! I also
took writing classes that taught me how to not cry in front of critic groups.
I’m a publicist for Xchyler Publishing. I'm a #NerdFighter. I have definitely perfected the art of falling gracefully. Because legs are clumsy. And wouldn’t life be better if you actually could just keep swimming?
Whenever? Because you’re a mermaid? Lastly, I read to live AND live to read. Same for writing. Okay, and eating too.
Wednesday - Jeanna Mason Stay
write mostly YA fantasy with a fairy tale bent. In my former lives (aka
before I had children), I've been a math geek, an almost-therapist, and
a copy editor. In my current life, I use these skills on tasks like 2
+ 2, b versus d, and "take a deep breath and explain why you're wailing." I don't get paid much, but I really like my coworkers.
Wednesday - Kathy Lipscomb
I write YA Speculative Romances—basically
anything that has some kind of fantastical element to it with a clean romance
attached. But I read pretty much anything. I have the most amazing husband and
two kids who I love, and who love me back so much that I’m spoiled. Seriously
spoiled. I’m a clean freak in a busy world where cleaning often gets put on the
back burner. I love singing in the shower, playing board & video games, and
binge watching Netflix. Apparently, I also have a phobia of smiling straight
at a camera…
Thursday - Katy White
I'm a contemporary young adult author writing under the pen name, Kate Watson. I'm a wife to the greatest guy ever and mom to the two best kids imaginable. I'm a Canadian, a foodie, a Muggle, a nerd, an Austenite, a BYU fanatic, and the 10th of 13 kids (which explains so much, really). I am represented by Bree Ogden at Red Sofa Literary, and my first novel, Seeking Mansfield, a young adult retelling of Jane Austen's Mansfield Park, will debut in Spring 2017 with Jolly Fish Press.
Thursday-Patricia Cates
Meaningful, fast-paced, unpredictable, complex and thankfully silly...describes my home life as well as the books I like to read. I am perpetually searching to find balance and grace while raising a blended family of nine children. My writing is usually derived from true life experience, with a large dash of embellishment. I have a BS degree from Cal Poly-San Luis Obispo in Natural Resources Management and Environmental Science. My original plan was to join the Peace Corps and save the planet, but instead I was called to serve as mom. I wouldn't trade it for the world! Read all MMW posts by Patricia Cates

Pinterest - Facebook - Read all MMW posts by Mare
Saturday - Leanne Williams

Saturday - Lacey Gunter
I am a mom of three energetic children and proud military wife. I am also a part time statistics instructor. When I am not working on my more geeky side, I like cooking, watching movies, gardening and DIY projects. I write picture books and make cut paper illustrations. You can check out my illustrations at Paper and Lace
Back up Blogger and Our Twitter Expert - Robin Hall
I write light YA and MG novels with touches of magic and plenty of humor. I can't remember a time I didn't want to be a writer, but never had the courage to try until one of my good friends took the writing plunge and encouraged me to reach for my dreams as well.
I'm a mother of four (with #5 on the way), a book devourer, yoga teacher, rock climber, and triathlete. I live in North Carolina and am I'm represented by Julia A. Weber of Literaturagentur GmbH (and no, I can't
pronounce it either).
I would love to share my books with your readers.
ReplyDeleteLove, Hugs and Hope When Scary Things Happen was published to help parents and children deal with tragedy in their lives.
Becoming Free, A Woman's Guide to Internal Strength is a self help for all of us to keep ourselves focused on becoming the best we can.
I am a retired Marriage and Family Therapist, and would love to do a guest blog post if you are interested.
Christy, did anyone get back with you on this? Email me at ballpark001@gmail.com
DeleteAhhh! How did I miss this blog for SOO long??
ReplyDeleteI totally stumbled across this blog because I was looking for some inside info on Susan Ee and saw her interview here. And then I read your "Fifty Shades of Wha??" and thought "YES! I must connect with these people!" Because, well, I'm a Mormon. I'm a writer. And I self-published my first novel Colorworld on Dec 24th! And I did NOT do any of that lame rush-job trash novel stuff so many indies do. Anyway, if you guys have some kind of process for doing reviews, I would SO dig that. And I would love to do the same for anyone else trying to permeate the literary world with something thought-provoking AND well-written. I look forward to interacting with you all!
Rachel E Kelly
Rachel, I'm so glad you connected with that post! I was just coming on this page to do some updating and didn't realize we had some comments, so I'm trying to do a quick hello to you wonderful commenters. Congratulations on your novel, and if you are interested in getting a review here on the blog, go ahead and send your request to our e-mail account, mormonmommywriters@gmail.com. Thanks!
DeleteI am posting a coment to let you know I use a pseudonym (as requested by my husband). I am a mentally challenged writer and artist often thrown about by the rigors of everyday life. I am also a convert.
ReplyDeleteI said a prayer last night and looked over a list of 101 sites for writers for what must have been the 100th time. Being grouped by category your site was near the end. I will watch, read, and listen to your posts with the small still voice in my heart. This is one place I know I belong.
Welcome, Victoria (or whatever your real name is- but Victoria is a lovely name)! We are so happy to have you as a part of our MMW family. Thanks so much for taking the time to find us. We will do our best to inspire and support you. :-)
DeleteHi, Mormon Mommy Writers! I am coming up on the two year anniversary of the publication of my only novel, May 2015, and came across you great bloggomerate! If you would be interested, I would be happy to share some thoughts on my writing. My hobby is the Ancient
ReplyDeleteMaya (and the Book of Mormon, of course!) and I have written at least 15 non-fiction articles for the Institute of Maya Studies (IMS) Explorer newsletter, all of which can be found on Academia.edu. I have also written eight articles on Archaeology and the Book of Mormon on BMAF.org. AND I have two articles in process. My novel was started back in the 90's and it is found on Amazon, Barnes & Noble and numerous other online bookstores: It is entitled "MARK OF THE JAGUAR, a Book of Mormon Adventure in the Land of the Maya". The interesting thing about the book is that it covers a period of around 685 AD, far past the end of the B of M, but way before Columbus, and for that reason it is unique! - Mark F. Cheney