by Merry Gordon
Confession time: I
spend a lot of time trying to be the perfect Mormon mommy. No, scratch that—I
spend a lot of time trying to look like
the perfect Mormon mommy. Especially online. And the thing is, lots of us do. We’re
writers, storytellers by nature. We selfie and app, we filter and curate…we
Hey, it’s not dishonesty.
It’s enhancement. Just
“improving the shining moments,” as it were. All good writers edit, right?
Maybe it starts with untagging yourself in a picture so
people won’t see—gasp!—dirty laundry on
the floor behind you. And then it’s a reconstructed “candid” shot when the
first one didn’t come out quite right. Suddenly we’re cranking up the exposure
on already brilliant sunsets because magazines or Mommy Wars or whatever you
want to blame it on has made us think some airbrushed Technicolor day-glo fiction
is better than real life.
The poet John Keats once wrote, “Truth is beauty, beauty
Why did we stop believing that?
The whole foods lifestyle is taking over every fridge in
America, but it’s like our virtual selves never got the memo. The less
processed our food, the more processed our self-narrative.
Only in this age is it possible to sip an organic smoothie
with one hand and use the other hand to run the angled shots you took of
yourself drinking it through six effects to make your eyes pop, three filters
to make the smoothie look a little less puce and your skin a little more tan,
and a collage frame to edit out your messy kitchen countertop: #natural!
It’s not that I don’t believe in putting my best self
forward, and I’m not saying social media’s a bad thing*. There’s nothing wrong
with using it in place of the journal I’m supposed to be keeping to
chronicle life. But if I’m being honest, I’m hardly as pulled together as my
profile persona would have you think. You see the cleaned-up 1%...and I worry
I’m forgetting to enjoy the gorgeous ordinariness in the not-for-social media
moments that make up the other 99% of my world.
What you don’t see is the belly laughter twenty minutes post-photo
op when I wrestled my little boy to the ground and picked the cakesnot** out of
his hair (and then dug the crumbs out of my bra for the next hour).
That’s the good
stuff. It’s not pretty, but it’s real.
No, I’m not breaking up with Instagram. But just for kicks,
maybe I’ll try to live in the raw a little more. The off-camera. The unedited rough-rough-draft version of me. Because
that’s beautiful too.
Snapchat. Look, I teach high school. I get how kids think. No app that tells thirteen-year-olds
they can take guilt-free incriminating pictures because their photos will
self-destruct is a good idea. But I’ll save that for another post.
**As any parent
will tell you, this is a thing. Try not to think about it too much.
Merry, I loved every bit of this and found myself chuckling many times. What a great reminder! I am an amateur photographer. I love photography but I spent about a year away from my real camera because it seemed so convenient to use Instagram (and it is; and I still use it). What I found out is when I am looking through the lens of a real camera--with no expectation of immediately sharing it with all my Facebook friends--I tend to see the truth more clearly and to focus on the beauty that is naturally inherent in life. It's time for me to take a deep breath and step out of my virtual reality for a bit.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Becky! It was, as always, a reminder that I needed more than anyone, and I'm glad you can relate.
DeleteThis is awesome, Merry. I love this message! We need to overcome our fear of being real in our writing, whether we are writing fiction or typing a status on social media.
ReplyDeleteI love that you used the word “curate” to describe this phenomenon. Yes, I curate my life via Facebook.
ReplyDelete"The less processed our food, the more processed our self-narrative.” <-- That might be one of the most profound things I’ve read all year. Man, how did that happen, anyway??
As I’ve gotten older I have tried very hard to not worry so much about what other people think of me. I realized about 2 years ago that I was buying into the whole "blogger mom" lifestyle and I realized that I wasn’t doing myself (or anybody else I know) any favors. While I try to keep my Facebook uplifting and positive, and I do adjust my photos because I appreciate a well-composed and lighted photograph, I always mix in a dose of humor and I don’t stress about getting that “perfect shot.” I make sure I keep my photos and video at a bare minimum when it comes to events, and try to take only the pictures that will serve to augment the memories of the people who were there and tell the story to the people who wished they could be there but were unable to make it.
I have realized that the people I love most in my life are those people who keep it real. I am fortunate enough to have a lot of Mormon mommies around me who do just that- they are awesome women who juggle a lot and do it completely ungracefully but always with a smile on their face! And they are the ones who remind me it’s okay to just be me.
Really awesome post today, Merry. Sharing!
Nikki, thank you! And KaseyQ, thanks as well! I totally get what you're saying. It gets hard (for me, anyway) to draw the line between preserving and curating sometimes. I thank God for all the ungraceful jugglers out there who have shown me how to keep it real and pull it together at the same time.
ReplyDeleteThank you for making me laugh on this cold afternoon it felt good
ReplyDeleteOh my heavens, I love this so much.