- a post by Jeanna Mason Stay
who lives near me and knows me well enough to drop in unexpectedly (or just
drop in at all really) already knows this unsurprising fact: I am not much good
at keeping the house clean. Insert the usual reasons here: small children,
other priorities, and so on. This isn’t about making me feel better for having
a messy house.
is about making changes—to cleaning up, to writing, to whatever.
friend of mine recommended this book called How
to Manage Your Home Without Losing Your Mind (which, incidentally, is on sale at Amazon today only!), and I recently started reading it. Previous
decluttering/cleaning-related books had fallen flat for me over and over. The
ideas sounded awesome, but I was never very good with follow-through. (Plus, as
has become a standing joke, I don’t like to talk to my socks, and my tax
documents don’t really spark joy.)
book is for the non-organized among us. In fact, the author, Dana White, starts
off by saying that most of those other books are written by organized people, people who just
logically work that way. White is not.
honestly, I think this book is pretty great. It’s all kind of completely
obvious—except that I’d never really thought these things through, and I’d
never really bought into them before. So it’s obvious but also ... not obvious.
And for the first time in a long time, my dishes are being finished every night
(even if I have to handwash a couple!), my kitchen floor is clean(ish), and
tidying doesn’t feel like it takes forever.
I consider all of these things epic wins (even at the same time that I’m super
embarrassed to admit that as a 37yo I still hadn’t figured out how to do these
things regularly). So if you too have cleaning problems, go buy it! Read it! It’s
an idea.
this post isn’t actually about whether or not you’re a clean person. It’s about
starting small. And how small makes a
huge difference.
In How to Manage Your Home, the first task
you’re assigned is just to do the dishes every day. For some of us, this seems
like a daunting task. But White essentially says, “Pull up your big-kid panties
and just do it.”
it the first day, when it’s really hard because you’re way behind.
then do it the second day, when it’s not as bad.
the third day, when it’s getting a little easier.
concept, yes? Just do it.
now we come around to writing! (See? I do get there eventually.)
does a story get written? A few words at a time. A couple of sentences, then
paragraphs, then pages. But how does it not get done? By staring at the blank
screen (or even just thinking about the blank screen) and freaking out because
there’s so much to do and you haven’t started and you’re on a deadline and your
ideas are crap and everyone out there is a bestseller and your friend has a
more popular social media account than you and maybe if you just post something
brilliant (like a blog post about starting small?) suddenly everyone will love
you and you’ll get contracts and agents and publishers and million-dollar
advances, but wait, none of that is going to work because your screen is still
blank and it’s freaking you out and...
the picture? So what should you do about that story that you haven’t figured
out yet? That you really want to write but it’s scaring you because it’s so
hard or you’re not sure where to go or you’re not sure you’re good enough to
write it yet? (Welcome to my entire life right now, by the way.)
should go sit and type a few sentences.
it today, when it’s awful and hard.
it tomorrow, when it’s still insanely daunting.
it the next day, even when you’re still lost.
the next and the next and the next.
can do it. (And now I have to go start working on that story I’ve been avoiding
like the dickens. Sigh. Taking my own advice is overrated.)