Thursday, February 25, 2016

Cover Reveal: You Can't Catch Me

by Katy White 

Today, we have a cover reveal from the awesome Cassie Mae for her new clean YA, YOU CAN'T CATCH ME! One of the things I always enjoy about Cassie's writing is how well she writes people's perceptions of their own bodies. It feels real and relatable, and usually really, painfully funny. I have a feeling this will be no exception.

YOU CAN'T CATCH ME releases March 28, 2016. 

How cute is that cover? And now for the blurb:

My body suuuucks. After lounging around on my butt all summer (okay, so maybe that was my bad), this body decided to become something completely foreign. So now I’m trying to make the track team and I feel like I’m a baby learning to walk again. 
A couple pounds wouldn’t have been so bad. Work those off, run like a mad woman, no problem, yeah? But no. I’ve also developed a couple of things that I definitely didn’t have before. And now my guy friends are all sitting in a pool of drool as they not-so-subtly stare at my chest. 
Combine all that drama with the fact that the new track coach is getting major flack for being a little chunky, and all I’m trying to do is convince the team that I’m not running slower because of her coaching style. 
Oh, and did I mention that I’m totally falling face-first in “like” with some guy I met in a cemetery? And no one understands it just because he’s also a little chunky. But he’s also adorable and wonderfully weird and I don’t care what they say, his look sure does it for me. 
But… I don’t know… how can I be in “like” with someone, when I have no clue how to like myself anymore?

You can preorder YOU CAN'T CATCH ME now at a discounted price! And you can find more of Cassie's books here.

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