Thursday, August 5, 2010

Nothing Comes

Last week I attended a writer's retreat in a cabin near Heber, AZ.  The first 24 hours were set aside for a writer's retreat where there were several quite places to write til your heart's content.  Unfortunately for me, all I could do was stare at my blank computer screen and try not to let the tears of frustration fall down my cheeks.  Determined to write something I picked up a pen and my notebook and began to write what came to my mind and this is the result:

Nothing Comes
By Nikki Wilson

I sit with computer in front of me and wait for my muse to visit.  Nothing comes.  I read the beginnings of many stories and still...nothing comes.  I pray with all my heart for my fingers to fly across the keyboard but alas...nothing comes.  What wrong turn did I take that my muse has forsaken me?  Will I ever write again?  Can I even call myself a writer?  I wait for an answer to my questions, but still...nothing comes.

I decide to name my muse, maybe she will come when called.  I think of all she's done for me and a name comes to mind.  I will call her Nothing and then wait and see.  My mind sits blank like my computer screen.  I am ready to give up when suddenly...Nothing comes!!

(I was eventually able to write something and I thoroughly enjoyed the retreat.  I will be posting things I learned here and on the MMW yahoo group as well.)


  1. When I get this nice stretch of time to write? It's a toss as to whether anything will come out or not. At least at first. Glad to hear I'm not the only one.

  2. *hugs* Nikki!

    I know how you feel. I'm sorry you're facing such a thing as that.

    I know, when my muse refused cooperation, I fasted and prayed and meditated in the Celestial Room. I even asked my hubby for a blessing on it.

    Try some writing exercises. IE: Describe the tree. Every detail. The way the bark cracks in the sun. The way the moss clings in the shade. Look at the branches. Is there a breeze tickling the leaves? Are the leaves singing? What splashes of color do you see?

    Call me, please. I can help! (You have my cell number, girl!!!)

    Luv you...


  3. Jolene-your definately not alone!! I am so there with you!
    Elizabeth-thanks girl! Your awesome! I will definately try that next time. I'm getting a little better as I go along.

  4. I'm there right now. I haven't written for weeks. It's not that I'm stuck or don't know what happens next. I have two books completely outlined and about 1/2 written. I just sit down and....Nothing. I've tried everything. If my muse went on vacation, then she should have taken me with her, dang it. I would have let her rest, honest. :)

  5. CK I'm with you too. I started the 50K in 50 days and I was doing great and then WAM!!! brick walled. I know what is supposed to happen but every day when I sit down I'm stuck. I am lucky if I make it a word further than I started the day.

    Nikki- I love your post. The play on words and some how the sense of relief when Nothing, your muse by her new name, comes. I love it.

  6. I think I'll name my muse Nothing, too. Happens to me all the time!

  7. P.S. I love the header. Nice work, Elizabeth.

  8. So with ya there, sister! did the whole camp of muses take a vacation??????

  9. Megan I just made a comment about that somewhere in the blogosphere. I am totally convinced that our muses are vacationing together.

  10. Well, if our muses are at a summer camp, they better come back with lots of new information and tons of inspiration!! Hmmm, Camp Muse, maybe they should take us with them next time!

  11. I haven't written in months, truth be told. I've been so busy drowning in editing it isn't funny. Ugh... I write in my journal and in my blog and on FB. ;)

    (Does that count?)

    Seriously, I tried writing in another WIP and it went great. It was harder, though, with kids and no school.

  12. Hey, how about we put together a conference with that title: Camp Muse? We could do all kinds of fun classes about finding and blending ideas, have writing time, maybe get a big wahooey person to come and speak...maybe if I put together a conference, I'd actually get to go to one, lol.

  13. Hmmm...Camp Muse, that could really work! We should plan something like that. Good idea, Megan.



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