Tuesday, November 2, 2010

To NaNo or Not To NaNo?

by Tamara Passey

That is my question - and no - it is not gibberish.
As Sugoi mentioned yesterday it is National Novel Writing Month - commonly called NaNoWriMo - where writers take the challenge to write 50,000 words in 30 days. And this happens every November. You would think since I already love November - it has some of my favorite holidays like Thanksgiving and a certain wedding anniversary (yes, mine) - and I love writing - that I would love writing 50k words in my favorite month. Hmmm. Not exactly. Throw in a child's birthday, a Young Woman Evening of Excellence and a Stake Conference weekend and you begin to see why writing a new novel feels more stressful to me right now than a fun thing to do. I think I've already answered my own question. I won't be NaNo-ing this November - but I am happy to cheer on all the amazing writers who are. Happy writing!


  1. I thought I may be able to do it and actually wrote a little yesterday. Then I realized I really really really wanted to get my WIP finished, revised and ready to send out. So, NaNo is a no for me as well. Maybe next year. :)

  2. For me it's become an every other year sort of thing. When and as it feels right. I love it - it's a fabulously positive experience. But sometimes there's time, and sometimes there isn't, and one has to have the right project in mind for it to be really beneficial I think.

    Happy revising!

  3. I was set against it until two weeks ago when I had this idea nagging at me. I'm cheating though - starting a week early and ending a week early.
    It's actually an LDS fiction thing - if you are doing nano and want to be my buddy I'm jolenebperry - I know, not great for originality.

    Good luck with your month - sounds a little insane!

  4. Thanks. It's a "good" busy - I keep telling myself!

  5. I've done modified Nanowrimo's many times. Modified meaning I give myself an editing goal or a current WIP goal instead. It's fun to still push myself even if I don't do a full Nano.
    Good luck with your crazy month, I've had many of those too, where Nano had to fade into the background. But I'm always still impressed with what I did even if it was only a day or two of work!



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