Friday, November 19, 2010

What are you Seeking?

While chatting on facebook with Author Jenni James, I was amazed by her ability to be both humble in her success and confident in her purpose.  Her attitude was a slight eye opener for me.  I couldn't help but think this is what Jesus's words in his Sermon on the Mount. "Seek ye first for the Kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all things shall be added unto you."   

I am a firm believer that our Lord wants righteous writers out there.   There is a need for wholesome entertainment and for books with values.  But even with this knowledge it can be hard to accept that I could be one of those writers to aid in this cause.  Who am I?  I am no one.  Yet when I turn to the Lord, He reminds me that I am His daughter, and that title alone should erase my self doubt.

Even with the knowledge of my divine heritage, I still find myself struggle as I am working plots and story lines.  After my chat with Jenni (I hope I'm not giving her a big head.. not that I think that is possible), I can see that the times I struggle the most are the day/weeks/months that I have let myself go spiritually.  Maybe I pushed my scripture reading aside for some extra time to writer, or I decided my visiting teaching could be put off this month.   It is now that I realize the importance of this question...Why would the Lord put His trust in me, if I refuse to put my trust in Him? 

As I allow my Lord to guide, my life and my writing I know that things will succeed.  Who am I? I am His daughter, His servant, and His clay to mold as He will.  Heavenly Father is a caring patriarch.  I am certain that when I allow Him to carve me as I should be that I will become more than I thought I could be.
The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt.  ~Sylvia Plath

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Amber, what a faith-building moment for you. I love Jenni, too. She has struck me the same as she has you. She is very inspiring and I'm grateful for her humility and desire to reach out.

    Thank you for posting this. <3



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