Monday, July 11, 2011

(Not) Meeting Your Writing Goals

I've made a specific word-count writing goal for my current WIP. And I'm behind. In fact, I've NEVER reached the writing goals I've made for myself. Kind of frustrating. (But I'm happy to report that my children have been successfully fed, changed, wiped, and napped in the meantime.)

While it's easy to feel down about this, I've tried to focus on what I HAVE accomplished. In the last two a half years since I began writing seriously, I've still written, edited, read, and learned way more than I would have done if I NEVER started out on this journey. I always have to remind myself how much of a process this is, and that the glass is half full...or uh, the manuscript is half full--not half empty. And that is something I'm proud of, writing goals met or not.

What about you? How do you put your progress into perspective when you haven't come quite so far as you hoped (yet)???


  1. When my kids were young, I spent five years trying to write. The writing was never as much as the research into the writing world. I read everything on writing, joined so many online support groups, and read several blogs. It wasn't until all my children were school age that I was able to finish a novel. For me, I think it was because I was so emotional focused on the well being of my children every second of the day. Not that I was neurotic about it, I just wasn't emotionally available to my writing. But despite my frustrations about my lack of writing during those years,I don't regret the time I spent trying. The best part of those five years was that I learned so much about the world of writing that when I was finally able to finish some novels, I felt confident in my knowledge. Confident enough to call myself a writer and to continue reaching for my dreams. So keep reaching. Even when it feels like you are only catching air, remember that air is what you need to fly!

  2. I don't always, or ever, meet my writing goals but I continue to set them because they keep me motivated. I try not to let myself get depressed about it though. As you said there are so many things I do accomplish, even if I didn't have the foresight to write them down.

  3. After this new baby--yeah, my writing time dropped significantly. She's over one now and I've got an added three more in the home too. So I'm focusing mostly on editing and revising what I've got than creating new. Still keeps me motivated.

    Hi Jessie! :)

  4. Nikki-I hear you on the emotional availability. My kids squeeze it all out of me.

    S.P.-You are right...goals serve the purpose of motivation, whether they are met or not. And I need that:)

    (Hi Jenni!)

  5. I loved this! I swore to myself when I started on this journey that I wouldn't ever sacrifice my family for writing. So having kids that are well taken care of is the real goal! All the learning and growing and writing and revising are icing. Really, really pretty and fun icing.

  6. Can I just say Nikki's comment makes me feel so much better about where I am at in my writing right now???? My oldest is still not in school, but when I seriously started to focus on writing and learning about writing she was old enough to entertain herself while I wrote. Then I got pregnant and could not focus on ANYTHING to save my life. Now I have a cutie pie that takes all my attention. So I sometimes get to read my favorite blogs on writing. And I constantly am thinking about writing and my novel still waits for me.

    At times it can be very frustrating that I haven't made more time to write, but I know that baby phase doesn't last forever.



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