Monday, September 2, 2013

“If and When were planted, and Nothing grew.” ~Proverb

Post by Amber Lynae

One of these days I am going to get help for my procrastination problem.  But for now, like everything else, it will have to wait.  

Have you ever visited procrastiNATION?  Once there you are pretty much stuck.

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The pile of laundry needs conquered.  It can wait. 

We don't really need to go to the store today.  I mean, toilet paper isn't really THAT important.  Is it?

Six month prior: Signing up for the half-marathon=good idea + lots of training
Six weeks prior:   I can walk a half-marathon, right?  

If it weren't for the last minute, I wouldn't get anything done.  Okay, that isn't completely true.  However, the big jobs can be so daunting.  When it comes to my to do list, I often tackle the quick easy tasks.  Am I the only person who has the habit of saving the big jobs for WHEN I have more time?

IF I plan to do something conditionally, the condition is never met; and the job will remain undone. 

We can not live our lives by IFs and WHENs.  We are to live our lives with purpose and direction.

I was surprised to realize that my sickness creeping into my writing habits as well.  But anyone who has done it know that writing a novel is one of those big tasks.  So it got shoved down to the section of my TO DO LIST labeled, THINGS I WISH I DOING (but do not have time for).  I also have THE THINGS I WISH SOMEONE ELSE WOULD DO FOR ME section, but I digress.

Along with many other items on the virtual to do list, writing is being moved to a new section, THINGS THAT I REFUSE TO IGNORE ANY LONGER.  I challenged last week to make September a month of writing. While I did begin reading Million Dollar Outlines by David Farland, I have not finish it yet.  So I will continue with that.  But on top of that goal, I have made a goal to write 500-1000 words 6 days a week.  Now to some that may seem small, but the purpose of the challenge is to reestablish good writing habits. 

A writer writes.   So that is what I will do.


  1. Break things you don't like to do into smaller pieces. It works for me.

    1. That is definitely a lesson I need to learn. It is what I am trying to accomplish with my writing this month.

  2. Good work on the goal! I'm with you--it's hard sometimes to actually get to the big things. You can do it! :)

    1. Thanks, Jeanna. I can use all the support and cheering.

  3. Awesome, Amber! I’m going to try to jump back on my version of the FlyLady bandwagon- want to join me? We can be accountability buddies on facebook again. Maybe Alicia will join us too. :-)

    1. I am definitely in the go get 'em mood this month. So I may try to fly some myself. My main writerly goal is to write a 500-1000 word response to a writing prompt acquired from a book of creative prompts. I want to do this six days a week. If you want to join on that you can, but I realize you may already have your habit to write daily firmly ingrained. I got off track. If anyone else wants to join me in my daily writing prompt. Today's is "Imagine you had an extra limb. What would you do with it?". I will even be willing to exchange response to provide encouragement.

  4. I read the proverb in your title and thought, "ouch!" Just the boost I needed to get a few things done this week.

    1. Katie, it is definitely a kick in my pants. I have to remember that Someday never comes, and yesterdays are over. Today is the day to do.

  5. Great post! Just the kick in the butt I need!

  6. Once lesson I have learned about writing and publising. If you keep at it, day by day, it WILL get finished, believe it or not. But don't get discouraged if it takes longer than you think.

    I just finished writing and self-publishing my first book with CreateSpace. I started it almost two years ago, thinking I would finish it and have it published in about four months. But it took me about a year to write it and almost another year to edit it, format it, and get it published. But finally it is done and I can start on my next book.

    Just keep working a little each day and you will get it done.

    1. Thanks, Hamilton. I used to dream of getting it all done quickly. I know it is possible. And with determination is will happen. My challenge is not getting discouraged.



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