Wednesday, September 11, 2013

The LDS Book Club Reading List

by Anna Jones Buttimore

I recently met someone who is currently reading my latest book, The Saved Saint. She said she was enjoying it, and finding it pleasantly challenging, and that she was going to recommend it to her Ward's book club because it was getting increasingly difficult to find quality books which didn't include sex, swearing or other questionable material.

Obviously I'm delighted, and not just because it means I'll sell a few books.

It did get me thinking, however, that many LDS wards around the world, as well as other Christian churches and other religious groups, have book clubs. Many must struggle to know where to find books they can recommend to their book club which won't go against the values and standards of the members.

Now, I know they can buy books from LDS publishers with confidence, but that isn't always a solution. Here in the UK, these books can be difficult to come by and prohibitively expensive - the cost of importing a physical book means that the price is often double what it would be in the US, and not everyone has an ereader. Plus most readers don't necessarily want to confine themselves to a small niche market. They want to read successful, modern national-market books which they can pick up for £4.99 at their local supermarket, but they need to know that these books are suitable for them and their book club to read.

So, I thought I might start a list of great books I would cheerfully recommend to my book club or LDS friends. These are just three of my favourite books which are completely squeaky-clean. Please feel free to add your favourites - this list is a bit sparse!

1. The Number One Ladies Detective Agency by Alexander McCall Smith
2. The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
3. Going Postal by Terry Pratchett


  1. Oh my gosh...I just wrote a whole long list and then accidentally deleted it...*sigh*

  2. These are all different genres and I wouldn't necessarily recommend the entire list to the same club, but these are books that I have found interesting and enjoyable without any profanity or inappropriate sexual content.

    1. The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie by Alan Bradley
    2. Still Alice by Lisa Genova
    3. The Wednesday Wars by Gary D. Schmidt
    4. Goose Girl or Princess Academy by Shannon Hale
    5. Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card (disclaimer: has violence and child bathroom humor)

  3. Become familiar with American Night Writer's Association. It's a group of LDS writers. I'm sure you could trust any of their works. On Amazon and Barnes and Nobles you can usually find their ebooks. Here's a link to their blog. I love these ladies and they are good writers.

  4. There's a new site (LDS I believe) that lists clean books -

  5. I really love The Hunger Games, but I would in no way suggest that it is squeaky clean. They had to work really, really hard to make that a PG-13 movie. It is dark and violent and (especially by the time we reach the third book) touches on themes of prostitution and sexuality.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. What about LDS writers trying to reach an LDS market? Can I advertise my latest novel? Incidentally I am 72, do not write for money but for pleasure so any royalty is going to charity.



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