Sunday, September 15, 2013

Where Does Our Trust Lie?

Written by Ashley & Jessica 

We've all come across moments in life that are hard to accept. Sometimes those moments try our faith, perhaps causing us to wonder if we've been forgotten or left behind. These moments can be a great cause of worry and uncertainty. We may find ourselves weighed down by doubts and questions. It would become easy to get lost in these feelings but when we put our trust in Jesus Christ and follow Him we will not fail. When we look to Christ we can replace any doubts and uncertainties with faith. In time we may find that these difficult times resulted in some of the richest learning experiences. It's when we endure through dark and difficult times that we are rewarded with blessings we wouldn't have been able to receive otherwise.
Remember when you find yourself in moments of hardship or uncertainty: 
"There isn't enough room in your mind for both worry and faith. You must decide which one will live there."


  1. I like to give my self the 24 hour rule. I take a day to think about what I want to do and let the Spirit whisper to me. Then I decide. No crisis judgments if I can help it. Great post.

  2. That's a nice reminder. I certainly tend to live a bit more by worry.



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