Monday, December 21, 2009

Merry Christmas

For some seasonal fun try this awesome gingerbread recipe with the family!
Works great for making gingerbread houses too!!!
Gingerbread Cookies
You"ll need
  • Parchment Paper
  • Rolling Pin
  • Cookie Sheets
  • Cookie Cutters

and the following ingredients:

3/4 C sugar
1/2 C softened shortening or margarine
3/4 C molasses
1/2 C buttermilk
1 tsp soda
2 tsp ginger
1/2 TBS cinnamon
3/4 tsp salt
1/2 tsp baking powder
Step 1: Thoroughly mix all ingredients except flour. Once mixed well add flour slowly until well mixed. Wrap dough in plastic or zip lock bag and chill overnight or several hours in fridge to set.

Step 2: Cut parchment paper to fit cookie sheet and tape securely to a smooth surface. Place 1/2 of dough on parchment paper and place another piece of the same size parchment paper on top of dough. With a rolling pin, roll out dough 1/8"-1/4" thick. Remove top layer of parchment and press cookie cutters into dough.

Step 3: Peel away excess dough.
Remove tape and place parchment paper with cut dough on a cookie sheet into pre-heated over for 7-10 minutes.
Decorate with royal icing!Invite friends and family to join in on the fun!Place on tree :) Have Fun and Merry Christmas :)


  1. Mary, this looks like fun! What's your icing recipe?

  2. How fun! Are you the photographer? If so, nice work! Thanks for sharing, Mary! :)

    PS--Merry Christmas!

  3. Thanks for the recipe. I love gingerbread. We usually cheat and use the pre-made gingerbread from Costco, but I'll have to file this one away for next year.



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