Friday, November 25, 2011

Black? Friday

It's the day after Thanksgiving, and nobody is going to read this because you are shopping, right? So, truthfully, I could type up pretty much anything I want. ;)

I'm not a Black Friday shopper. Tried it once, but I have serious crowd issues. I'm the person who will shop at 1am during the holidays just to avoid the people. I actually have a love/hate relationship with holiday shopping--I love finding deals and prefer to hold the purchase in my hand rather than shopping online, but I really, really don't like dealing with all the people.

Instead, I think I'll do some writing. Maybe a little editing. And worry about shopping later.

What are your Friday-after-Thanskgiving plans?


  1. The only type of black Friday person I am is the type that rolls their eyes at the crazy shopper. The deals aren't that great. If you shop during June/July when the stores are pretty much dead (b/c everyone is out playing), you'll get just as good of deals as today. The day after Christmas is also the best day of the year to score deals.
    Anyway, I like to put the tree up the day after Thanksgiving. So my goal today is clean the livingroom so we can do that!

  2. My plans are to avoid all stores and enjoy another day with my family.



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