"In order to write, you must write. That's the Big Secret. You've got to sit down at a given time every day and make sentences. Even if you don't feel like it. Especially if you don't feel like it."
"Don't make the mistake of thinking that you need more favorable circumstances, that you'll start writing when your life changes for the better, or when you retire."
"The problem is you're thinking of writing as a purely intelluectual process: exceptional ideas captured in deathless prose. But in reality, the composition of fiction is more of a physical process. You've got to put your hands on the keyboard, you've got to punch the keys with your determined fingers until words begin to collect."
The idea isn't new or original. I've heard it said in similar ways from countless experienced authors. However, it is nice to be given a reminder from time to time. If you like what he has to say, go check out his book.
And then, use the nuggets of inspiriation you find to compose your own entry into the MMW Contest - there's only one week left.
That's your D.E.W assignment this week. See you next Thrusday!
Great advice. We really can't wait for things to be perfect because they never will be. You just have to do it!