Sunday, April 12, 2009

Climb Every Mountain

Jenni? Jenni? Are you there? I think she's busy with family, so I'm going to post something instead.

I was watching The Sound of Music with my kids last night. It was their first time watching it, I really enjoyed watching it through their eyes. But the part that hit me the most last night was when they sang "Climb Every Mountain, ford every stream, follow every rainbow, til you find your dream." This spoke to me so much because writing sometimes feels like I'm climbing a mountain...a great big steep mountain that I don't think I'm ever going to get past. But I know I have to keep trudging if I am going to realize my dream eventually. So I'm posting a youtube clip of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir singing "Climb Every Mountain" I hope it will help to inspire you like it did me.


  1. Awesome! Love the song and the movie! We are all climbing some kind of mountain and this song is really inspiring.

  2. Very inspiring! Thanks for stepping in and posting a little weekend pick me up.



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