Saturday, February 7, 2009


So, I want to start off by expressing how excited I am to be a part of this blog! Thus far, all of your posts have been funny, thoughtful, and inspiring. In other words, intimidating. I hope my Saturday posts don't drag the blog down too much.

(I also want to say that I find it very appropriate that I am getting this post up later in the day, seeing as this is an introduction to who I am. This is me, to a T: running a little late. *sigh*)

At any rate, let me tell you a little about Mormon Mommy Writer Me. In keeping with my theme of introducing who I really am, I'll give you the run down in bullet point form. Why? Because I love bullet point lists! :)

-I am a mother of two adorable kids. A daughter who is nearly five, and about as dramatic, charming, hilarious, and sweet as any kid could be. Also, a son, who is nearly two. He is cuddly, a bold explorer, often rowdy, and a big time ham.

-My husband and I are in a crazy state of flux. He's graduating Optometry school in four months, so we are trying to decide where we will live, where he will work. You know, little things like that.

-I have written two novels to completion. I am working on a third, and I have one simmering deliciously on the back burner.

-I write YA! And I love it!

-I started seriously pursuing writing almost five years ago. In the beginning, I began three different novels, none of them getting past page 40. Then, about two years ago, I began the novel that would become my first completed manuscript.

-It was YA epic fantasy. Unfortunately, it was really long and had a lot of plot problems, so I set it aside in the editing stage. Still, it showed me that I could finish a whole novel! And that was something I needed to know.

-My second novel is a contemporary YA story (with a "touch" of magic). I love it. I sent it out into the big, bad querying world in the beginning of October. I had some interest, but I've pulled it out of the market for a while. I'm putting my focus (and my limited free time) into my current work in progress. Which is . . .

-A post apocalyptic novel. Yeah . . . dark. But, I'm very excited about it.

Well, I think that's about it. Me in a nutshell. Hopefully in the future, I'll have more interesting blog posts. Maybe. I make no promises. :)


  1. Hi Renee! It's great to have you! And for us fiction writers here... so far we're all writing YA! LOL! It's just an awesome genre, isn't it? I have a 5 year old and a 2 year old too! LOL! Let us know if you ever need any help with anything! LOL! And I don't know about anyone else here.. but i'm always desperate for proof readers and insights.. especially with my Jane Austen rewrites! LOL! Yes, shameless desperation plug there! LOL! And I can't wait to get to know you more! Jenni
    PS.. sorry, you'll get used to me. but I do have an !!!!!! Disease.. I'm addicted to exclamation points, sorry to say, but it's true! LOL!

  2. Renee!!!!!!! Yay. I love you in a nutshell. It was awesome. You're one of the only people on this blog I have actually met (besides Candi) and you are super fun. So we're excited to have you. And I know your posts will be fun and interesting (just like your book) so don't sell yourself short.

  3. I think this was a very interesting post because it was all about you! And I've thought for a while now that you are a deep and interesting person. :) I think we have some things in common. Besides the whole deciding where to move after graduate scholl thing, I think we both share a love of writing things that are a bit scary/dark. I'm so happy to get to know you better. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Renee! Welcome lady! It is so nice to meet you. :) You're post was very interesting and entertaining, so you're off to a fantabulous start! Yay for Sassy Saturday! LOL

  5. Hi Renee! So nice to meet you! Thanks for agreeing to write on our blog, I really think it will be great fun!

  6. Welcome to our blog :) It's always fun to hear from other authors! I'm the outcast, as I do not write fiction but strictly non-fiction/DIY books thus far. I have a parenting book in the works though!

  7. Jenni-Thanks! :) And thanks for inviting me here. Also, I'd love to read some of your Austen novels! I've read the bits you have on your website, and they look like a lot of fun!

    Kasie-You are kind. :) Well, I'll try not to sell myself short, but I do have a rather self-deprecating sense of humor, so I make no promises.

    Candice-It really is somehow nice to see I'm not the only one in crazy, "What are we going to do with out lives" land! :) And high fives for dark! Woot! :)

    Jenn-Thanks :)

    Nikki-It has been fun so far!

    Mary-Hey I think non-fiction is awesome! I'd love to try my hand at it one day.



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