Friday, September 3, 2010

Just Beyond my Reach

By. Amber Lynae

So last week I had an interesting dream. It got me thinking about the fear that holds us back from our dreams.  There will always be something holding us back.  Sometimes we settle for less than we want because it is the safer road and our dreams remain forever just beyond our reach.

On to the quickly written scene from my dream. (Sorry for any typos).

My hand pushed the vouchers into the safety of my pocket.  They were mine, and no one else would take them from me.  I waited impatiently for my chance to cash them in.  For once in my life, I was going to have enough money to quiet the fears.  Curiosity- and maybe a little greed- led me to pick up some of the discarded slips of paper on the floor.  These papers each had value once, but now they were all worthless.  All of them stamped with big red letters. R-E-D-E-E-M-E-D.  

Butterflies filled my stomach when I thought about the vouchers in  my pocket waiting to be redeemed.  So what if one of them was only worth ten dollars.  Its companion more than made up for it.  One hundred and thirty eight thousand dollars.   I couldn't believe my luck; it almost made up for the fact that I had to wait in this small redemption center that was only slightly better than a road side gas station.

I tripped forward because the jerk behind me has no boundaries and possibly many diseases.  When I glared over my shoulder I noticed the gun in his hand.  My face grew hot and my heart beat so hard I knew he could hear it.  He would take my money if he knew.  I couldn't let that happen. I pull out the ten dollar voucher and look at it, and try to play this off.  

"Ten dollars isn't worth this wait," I said to him.  

He looked at me as if he suspects my act.  "Didn't you just have a lot more vouchers?"

I point to the floor, "Those weren't mine, I was just browsing the redeemed slips on the floor."  He looked like he was buying into it.  It was mostly true.  I just left out the information about the extra voucher in my pocket. 

I went through the entire redemption process for ten dollars.  The big ticket would have to wait for later, for a safer time.


  1. Very interesting dream. Gives you a lot to think about, doesn't it?

  2. Wow, what a powerful dream. It could work like a parable. Loved some of the imagery. I felt like I was right there with you.

  3. I want to know where this is going! Great story idea.



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